Let's face it. The usefulness of any ADR program is based on how much time you can save. And entering ADR cues is the most time-consuming part of ADR preparation. With that in mind, we've designed ADR Manager to let you enter cues quickly and accurately. And there are lots of different ways to do it – just choose which way is most comfortable to you.
For instance, you can do all of your spotting in Pro Tools, then import the session into ADR Manager in one large gulp. Or you can spot interactively with Pro Tools using MIDI timecode. You can manually enter cue information using an intuitive interface and keyboard shortcuts so you never have to use the mouse. Or you can import cues from a variety of text file formats using an extremely flexible import tool.
Enter scene information before, during, or after you've entered cues, then display them as headers in your cuesheets. Of course, you can import the scene data from a file too.
And when you're done spotting, have ADR Manager generate completely unique names for every cue in the show, based on your own customized naming convention.
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